Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The story gets juicier

HS has a monster post on it, so I don't really need to rehash. Apparently I was too forgiving of Trayvon in my previous post!  Oh well, let's see what happens.  Seems like when the facts come to light the media will bury the story in search of the next great white defendant (HT: Steve Sailer). 

Instead, I'd like to point to an article today in the Post, on why Obama makes it harder to talk about race.

The author begins by complaining to her friends about feeling out of place due to her race.  Her friend responds:
“How can we all be racist? Look at who is president!”

The author of course disagrees, clinging to the old narrative, claiming that the president:
Here was a politician who embraced his biracial heritage but also understood how tough it can be to navigate 21st-century America as a black person.

So the author wants people to continue to be able to blame racism for the persistent failures of the black community. 

And I wanted to see him tackle racial inequalities through federal policy, making the system more equitable and fair for Americans of all colors.

What? She wants more affirmative action?  Are you serious? 

More recently, we’ve witnessed racially insensitive rhetoric surrounding the rise of Taiwanese American basketball player Jeremy Lin.

And who was behind this rhetoric?  I blogged about this earlier (clue: it's not whites hating on Jeremy Lin).

I have encountered many people who seem to believe, subconsciously or not, that Obama’s win is proof that America has reached the mountaintop. What more is there to say about race, they ask me, after this country so proudly and overwhelmingly elected a black president? They cite success stories as disparate as Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z and former Time Warner chief Dick Parsons. But Oprah’s billions don’t counteract the dire poverty and unemployment rates in the black community.­

Even the most well-intentioned white people, who fundamentally understand the challenges of race in America, often can’t understand why race, as a subject to wrestle with, can never be “over.” They can’t understand what it’s like to walk down the street and have someone fear you just because of your race. Or to go to your doctor’s office after-hours to pick something up and have someone think you’re the maid. Or to have someone give you a virtual pat on the head for being “articulate.”

But of course it will never end...THATS THE POINT!

In a meritocratic system (like generally exists in America) if there are genetic gaps between the races that will continue on!  It's not going to be "over," and we're never going to reach the mountaintop.  

And they certainly won’t admit that thugged-out guys scare them. Or that if they saw a young black man in a hoodie walking in their neighborhood, like Martin was in his father’s neighborhood outside Orlando last month, they wouldn’t call 911 but they might cross the street.

Are you serious?  You're hating on people for being scared of thugged out guys?

Has our media reached this absurd state of denial that we're not allowed to listen to our instincts, even when they're clearly right? 


Like I keep saying, eventually people will snap and tire of the racial guilt trip being laid on them.  Watson was a few years too early.  The next time a mainstream post comes out on genetic racial IQ differences, perhaps people will listen up.  This is the post racial era, but the most racial era at the same point.

Humanity wakes up

Achieves oneness with the universe....if we don't destroy ourselves in the process....

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