Sunday, February 5, 2012

An important HBD exchange

On Robert Lindsay's blog.  Read the original post here.  Good food for thought - how a leftie views HBD:

  • Let me ask you something. What if HBD is simply the truth? Then what? What do we do? Is it racist to simply tell the truth. Because this is where I am coming from. HBD is the last thing in the world I want to believe as a Leftie, but after studying it for decades, I come to the reluctant conclusion that it may well be true. I don’t see why I should deny the truth just because it’s ugly.
  • louie jacuzzi
    because at worst it degrades the human value of an entire people, it’s a perfect justification eugenics, genocide, racial seperatism, etc. Suddenly, mass expulsions, mass killings, or even race based chattel slavery become “practical” solutions for dealing with people. At best it means there’s a permanent underclass of human beings that only exist to cared for by others, incapable of self sufficiencience, state formation, but let’s at least let’em live, basically a race of zoo animals complete with PETN(people for the ethical treatment of niggers) support.
  • because at worst it degrades the human value of an entire people, it’s a perfect justification eugenics, genocide, racial seperatism, etc. Suddenly, mass expulsions, mass killings, or even race based chattel slavery become “practical” solutions for dealing with people.
    This is true, all of things can follow from HBD, correct. But if it’s true, it’s true and that’s all there is to it. And those things need not necessarily follow from HBD. It’s possible to believe in HBD and have a civilized society.
    Why does it degrade entire races to discuss the differences between them, assuming that they exist (and apparently they do). I don’t get it. Does it degrade different lines of dogs or cats to discuss the ways in which they are different? We are just mammals.
    At best it means there’s a permanent underclass of human beings that only exist to cared for by others, incapable of self sufficiencience, state formation, but let’s at least let’em live, basically a race of zoo animals complete with PETN(people for the ethical treatment of niggers) support.
    Well, are Blacks a permanent underclass or are they not? You are the one that is bringing that up, not me. Are you saying that Blacks are incapable of state formation? Have Blacks not formed some states in this world.
    You are correct though, HBD does imply a permanent Black underclass at least under hardcore capitalism. That’s one reason why I am a socialist. Also if HBD is true, it’s not Blacks’ fault that they fall behind, and the more genetically gifted are obligated to share some of their wealth with those who did poorly in the genetic lottery.


  1. I am not a former Leftie. I am STILL a Leftist, believe it or not.

  2. Oops, my bad. Yup, definitely still an active lefty! I have left sympathies too.
